How to Sharpen Garbage Disposal Blades?

Sharpening Garbage Disposal Blades: Extend Their Lifespan
Image by Kiri Wilson from Pixabay

Garbage disposals are essential appliances in our kitchens that help grind food and liquefy food waste before it goes down the drain. They are designed with sharp blades, which consist of metal teeth attached to a spinning plate, that spin at high speed to pulverize solid food into tiny pieces. Learn the step-by-step process of sharpening garbage disposal blades to revitalize their cutting power.

It’s important to note that garbage disposals work differently than regular trash cans. They are not designed to handle hard food or large items such as eggshells, bones, and silverware. Putting these items down the disposal can cause damage to the impeller and grind ring, and even clog the drain.

In this blog post, we’ll cover how to recognize when your garbage disposal needs repair, ways to sharpen garbage disposal blades, and how to prevent dull blades from forming in the first place. We’ll also provide tips for keeping your garbage disposal running optimally and answer some frequently asked questions about maintaining your unit. We’ll also cover things you how to keep your unit running optimally.

Importance of Keeping the Blades Sharp

Keeping your garbage disposal blades sharp is crucial for the appliance to work efficiently. Dull blades can cause clogging and slow drainage, making your disposal work harder than usual. They can also produce unusual noises and foul smells, which can be unpleasant and a health hazard. By keeping the blades sharp, you ensure that the disposal can grind food effectively, reducing the risk of clogging and extending the lifespan of the appliance.

Sharpening Garbage Disposal Blades: Extend Their Lifespan
Image by Kiri Wilson from Pixabay

How to Recognize When Your Garbage Disposal Needs Repair

While garbage disposals are designed to grind up food waste, they can become damaged or clogged over time. Here are some signs that your garbage disposal needs repair.

Slow Drainage

One of the most common signs that your garbage disposal blades are getting dull is slow drainage.

Unusual Noises

A garbage disposal that is making unusual noises, such as grinding or clicking sounds, could indicate that the blades are getting dull and need to be sharpened.

Foul Smell

A bad odor coming from your garbage disposal could be a sign that food is not being ground up effectively, and your blades may need sharpening garbage disposal. Food waste that isn’t properly shredded can harden and become stuck to the blades, leading to unpleasant smells.

Ways to Sharpen Garbage Disposal Blades

If you notice any of the signs mentioned above, it’s time to sharpen your garbage disposal blades. Fortunately, there are a few simple ways to do this.

  1. One effective method is to use ice cubes. Simply fill the sink with ice cubes or drop a handful of ice cubes into the disposal and run cold water. Turn on the garbage disposal and let it grind the ice cubes until they are pulverized.
  2. Another method is to use baking soda and vinegar. Sprinkle a quarter cup of baking soda into the disposal and then pour a cup of vinegar down after it. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes before running cold water and turning on the disposal.
  3. Citrus peels are a natural way to clean and sharpen the blades. Cut up some citrus peels and put them down the disposal. Turn on the cold water and run the disposal for a few seconds.

How to Prevent Dull Garbage Disposal Blades

Of course, prevention is always better than cure. There are a few things you can do to prevent your garbage disposal blades from getting dull in the first place.

  1. First, never put fibrous or hard foods like celery or chicken bones down the disposal. These can get stuck in the blades and cause damage.
  2. Additionally, avoid putting grease, coffee grounds, or fruit pits down the disposal. These can all cause clogs and damage the unit.

Preventing dull garbage disposal blades is easier than you might think. Here are some tips to keep them sharp:

  1. Run Water: Always run cold water when using your garbage disposal. This helps solidify any food waste, making it easier for the blades to grind it up.
  2. Avoid Hard Foods: Never put hard foods such as chicken bones, fruit pits, or coffee grounds down your garbage disposal. These items can damage the blades and cause clogs.
  3. Clean Your Garbage Disposal Regularly: To prevent food debris from building up on the blades, clean your garbage disposal every week with soapy water.
  4.  Avoid Putting Certain Foods Down the Disposal: Some foods, such as eggshells and potato peels, can damage the blades and cause clogging.

Things to never put down a garbage disposal

  1. Non-food items: Garbage disposals are designed to break down food waste, not non-food items. Anything that is not food can damage the blades and cause your disposal to malfunction. Items such as plastic, glass, metal, and paper should never be put down the disposal.
  2. Fibrous foods: Fibrous foods like celery, asparagus, and corn husks can wrap around the blades and cause them to become stationary. This can lead to clogs and damage to the disposal.
  3. Grease and oil: Grease and oil don’t run down the drain easily and can solidify in your pipes, leading to clogs. Instead, dispose of grease and oil in a separate container and throw it in the trash.
  4. Bones: Garbage disposals don’t have the power to break down bones, and putting them down the disposal can damage the blades and cause clogs.
  5. Coffee grounds: While it may seem harmless, coffee grounds can accumulate in your pipes and cause clogs. Instead, toss them in the trash or use them in your garden as fertilizer.
Sharpening Garbage Disposal Blades: Extend Their Lifespan
Image by Kiri Wilson from Pixabay

How to keep your garbage disposal running optimally

  1. Run cold water: Always run cold water when using your garbage disposal. This helps to solidify any grease or oil so that it can be broken down more easily.
  2. Use small pieces: Cut food waste into small pieces before putting it down the disposal. This makes it easier for the blades to break down and prevents clogs.
  3. Keep the disposer clean: To keep your garbage disposal running smoothly, it’s important to clean it regularly. You can do this by pouring a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down the disposal and letting it sit for a few minutes before flushing it with hot water.
  4. Let the plate spin: After turning off the garbage disposal, let the plate spin until it comes to a complete stop. This helps to prevent any remaining food waste from building up and causing clogs.

Tips for Maintaining Sharp Blades

  • Proper use, regular cleaning, and appropriate disposal usage are essential in maintaining sharp blades. To keep your garbage disposal running smoothly, here are some tips for maintaining sharp blades.

Using a sharpening tool:

If you need to sharpen your blades more aggressively, you can use a sharpening tool specifically designed for garbage disposals. These tools have teeth-like edges that fit into the crevice of the blade, allowing you to sharpen them effectively.

Using eggshells:

Eggshells are another natural way to sharpen your garbage disposal blades. Simply put a few eggshells in the disposal, turn on the cold water, and turn on the disposal. The shells will help sharpen the blades, and the water will flush away any debris.

Regular cleaning:

Regularly cleaning your garbage disposal can prevent debris from building up and dulling the blades. To clean your disposal, turn off the power, remove the drain stopper, and fill the sink with cold water. Turn on the disposal and let the cold water run for a few minutes. Another option is to put the stopper over the disposal and fill the sink with warm soapy water. Then pull the plug and turn the disposal on so it swishes the warm soapy water around the teeth. Then run clean, cold water down to flush out the system.

Proper use:

The best way to maintain sharp blades is to use your garbage disposal properly. Always run cold water when grinding food waste to prevent it from solidifying and sticking to the blades. Also, make sure to run the disposal for a few seconds after the food waste is ground up to ensure that all of it has been flushed away. Do not fill the sink with food waste and turn on the disposal all at once. Instead, feed the food waste gradually into the disposal while running a cold stream of water.

Appropriate Disposal Usage

Always use the stopper to fill the sink with water before turning on the disposal. Once the water is filled, turn on the cold water and let it run for a few seconds before using the grinder. Finally, be mindful of what you’re putting down at your disposal. Avoid putting fibrous foods like celery or artichokes down the disposal, as these can get tangled in the blades. Also, avoid putting eggshells down the disposal, as they can create tiny, sharp pieces that can damage the blades. Find out what the process of recycling the materials that make up the Earth’s crust and mantle is called here.


It’s important to note that if your garbage disposal is not grinding at all, you should not attempt to fix it yourself. This could be a sign of a more serious problem that requires the attention of a professional. When working with garbage disposals, it’s important to exercise caution. Here are some warnings to keep in mind:

  • Never put your hand inside your garbage disposal unit. The blades are extremely sharp and can cause serious injury.
  • It’s important to be cautious when working with your garbage disposal, as it runs on electricity and can be dangerous. Press the reset button before attempting to remove anything that may have caused the blades to stop spinning.


Garbage disposals are a convenient way to dispose of food scraps, but they can also be a source of frustration if they’re not working properly. Keeping your garbage disposal blades sharp is essential for maintaining the unit’s efficiency and preventing costly repairs. By following the tips outlined in this post, you can ensure that your garbage disposal is running smoothly and efficiently. If you’re in doubt about whether your unit needs repair or maintenance, it’s always best to consult a professional.

By recognizing the signs that your blades are getting dull, using the appropriate disposal methods, and regularly cleaning your unit, you can keep your garbage disposal running smoothly for years to come.


How do you clean and sharpen a garbage disposal?

To clean your garbage disposal, first, turn off the power and remove any large pieces of food debris. Use tongs or pliers to remove any large items stuck on the blades. Then, use a scrub brush and soapy water to clean the inside of the unit, including the shredder ring and spinning plate. To sharpen your garbage disposal blades, try using ice cubes. Simply drop a handful of ice cubes into the disposal and run it with cold water.

  • You can clean and sharpen garbage disposal by using ice cubes, rock salt, or citrus peels. Simply fill the sink with ice cubes or rock salt and run cold water while turning on the disposal. The ice cubes can dislodge any stuck-on food and the acid in the vinegar or lemon juice can help break down any food residue.
  • To clean your garbage disposal, run hot water and turn on the disposal. Pour a small amount of dish soap and let it run for a minute or two. You can also add citrus peels to freshen the smell.

Do chicken bones sharpen garbage disposal blades?

No, chicken bones do not sharpen garbage disposal blades. They can cause serious damage to the unit if they get stuck in the blades or impeller. Always avoid putting hard or fibrous foods down the disposal.

Can you fix the blades in the garbage disposal?

No, it is not recommended to fix the blades in the garbage disposal yourself. If the blades are damaged, it’s best to call a professional to repair or replace them.

Do Ice Cubes Sharpen Garbage Disposal Blades?

Ice cubes can help dislodge any stuck-on food in your garbage disposal, but they do not sharpen the blades. The spinning action of the ice cubes can help break down any food residue and prevent clogs.

Is Ice Good for Garbage Disposal?

Yes, ice can be good for your garbage disposal. As mentioned above, ice cubes can help dislodge any stuck-on food and prevent clogs. Additionally, running ice cubes through the disposal can help clean the blades and freshen the smell.

How to remove odor from a garbage disposal

To remove odor from your garbage disposal, try running cold water and grinding up citrus peels or lime. You can also use vinegar or baking soda to freshen the smell. Simply pour a cup of either down the disposal and let it sit for a few minutes before running cold water.

What is the best way to lubricate garbage disposal blades?

The best way to lubricate garbage disposal blades is to use a food-safe lubricant such as vegetable oil or coconut oil. Simply pour a small amount down the disposal and run cold water for a few seconds to distribute the oil.

Remember, always turn off the power before performing any maintenance on your garbage disposal. If you experience a blockage or have any other issues at your disposal, it’s best to call a professional plumber.

Read our full guide on how garbage disposals work and how to help maintain them here.

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