How to Unclog a Garbage Disposal? Can You Put Eggshells In The Garbage Disposal?

How to unclog eggshells in garbage disposal - valuable tips
Image by Alexander Turner from Pixabay

Are you worried that eggshells could be clogging your garbage disposal? Have you ever been frustrated by the seemingly endless amount of eggshells in your garbage disposal? How to unclog eggshells in garbage disposal? Cleaning eggshells from your garbage disposal is important for proper functioning and to prevent clogged drains. Eggshells can cause clogs in drains and pipes and can damage garbage disposal. Clogged drains can cause standing water, which can lead to further health and safety issues, such as mold and bacteria growth.

In this article, we will discuss why it is important to clean eggshells from your garbage disposal, what causes clogged garbage disposal, and how to remove eggshells from a garbage disposal. To avoid such a problem in the future, it’s important to learn why eggshells can clog a garbage disposal and how to unclog one.

Causes a clogged garbage disposal

Common causes of clogged garbage disposals include food particles, coffee grounds, eggshells, and grease. If you’re using your disposal to grind up food, make sure to give the disposal enough time to grind up the food before turning it off. Additionally, avoid putting anything too hard or large into the disposal, such as bones, nuts, or plastic.

Importance of Cleaning Eggshells from Garbage Disposal

When it comes to knowing what causes clogged garbage disposal, it’s important to understand that eggshell can’t be put inside a garbage disposal. That’s because they can be too hard for the disposal blades to break up and could end up causing damage in the long run. That said, eggshells can end up in your garbage disposal if they get into the sink drain, or if they’re accidentally left behind when you’re washing dishes.

Garbage disposals are designed to grind up food waste and keep it away from the drain, but eggshells can get stuck in the blades and cause a clog. Eggshells can be hazardous to garbage disposal, as they can cause clogs in pipes and drains. Eggshells can also grind up and damage the blades of the garbage disposal, leading to further clogs.

Eggshells can easily get stuck in the blade of a garbage disposal and cause clogs in the drain. A clogged garbage disposal can block water and food waste from flowing through the system and can cause standing water in the drain. Furthermore, it is important to clean eggshells from garbage disposal to ensure that it is functioning properly.

What Causes a Clogged Garbage Disposal?

A clogged garbage disposal can be caused by food waste, foreign objects, such as eggshells, or even a plumb that is not fitted properly. Additionally, if the blades of the garbage disposal become worn, they may not be able to grind food and eggshells properly, leading to clogs.

The most common cause of clogged garbage disposal is when food particles get stuck inside the blades. When these particles are allowed to accumulate, they can eventually form an obstruction that prevents water from passing through the disposal and drain. Eggshells can easily become lodged in the blades, leading to a blockage and a clogged drain. In addition to eggshells, other particles such as coffee grounds and eggshells, potato peels, and vegetable scraps can also get stuck and block the water flow.

How to unclog eggshells in garbage disposal - valuable tips
Image by Alexander Turner from Pixabay

Do Eggshells Damage a Garbage Disposal?

Yes, eggshells can damage garbage disposal. Eggshells are sedimentary in nature, meaning they are made up of tiny particles that can easily be ground up by the blades of the garbage disposal. When these particles accumulate, they can cause clogs, which can lead to damage to the blades of the garbage disposal.

Eggshells can also get stuck in the drain line, which can lead to a clog.

Do Eggshells Clog Drain?

Yes, eggshells can clog drains. Eggshells are made of sedimentary particles that can accumulate and form clogs in pipes and drains. This can cause standing water and can block water and food waste from passing through the system. When this happens, the pipes can become clogged and cause a backup of water.

Can You Put Eggshells Down the Garbage Disposal?

Yes, you can put eggshells down the garbage disposal, but it is important to take certain precautions to ensure that they do not cause a clog. Be sure to rinse the eggshells off before disposing of them and make sure that they are small enough to fit within the disposal.

How Do You Remove Egg Shells From a Garbage Disposal?

Thankfully, removing eggshells from a garbage disposal is relatively easy. You’ll need a few materials, including a pair of pliers, a drain snake, and a vacuum cleaner. First, turn off the power to the disposal and remove any large pieces of eggshells that are visible. Then, use the pliers to remove any smaller pieces of eggshells that are stuck in the blades. Next, use the drain snake to clear out any obstructions from the drain trap. Finally, use the vacuum cleaner to remove any remaining eggshells from the inside of the disposal and the drain. Find out what to do if the garbage chute won’t shut off.

List of materials required for cleaning eggshells

  • Plunger
  • Baking Soda
  • Coffee Grounds
  • Drain Pipe
  • Sink Drain
  • Hot water into the disposal
How to unclog eggshells in garbage disposal - valuable tips
Image by Alexander Turner from Pixabay

Step-by-Step Guide on how to unclog eggshells in garbage disposal

Step 1: Gently rinse eggshells under cold water

Before you put the eggshells in the garbage disposal, you should rinse them off with cold water to get rid of any excess food or debris. This will help prevent clogs.

Step 2: Soak eggshells in warm water

Once the eggshells have been rinsed off, you should soak them in warm water for around 15 minutes. This will help break down any remaining debris and make it easier to remove.

Step 3: Remove any remaining debris using a brush or cloth

Once the eggshells have been soaked, use a brush or cloth to remove any remaining debris. This will help prevent clogs and keep the garbage disposal running smoothly.

Step 4: Rinse eggshells under cold water again

Once all the debris has been removed, rinse the eggshells under cold water again. This will help remove any remaining residue and ensure that the eggshells are completely clean.

Step 5: Dry eggshells thoroughly

Once the eggshells have been rinsed off, you should dry them thoroughly. This will help prevent clogs and ensure that the eggshells don’t stick together.

Why Do People Say Eggshells Can Sharpen Garbage Disposal Blades?

Many people believe that putting eggshells in the garbage disposal can sharpen the blades. It is believed that eggshells can sharpen the blades of garbage disposal due to the abrasive nature of the eggshell particles. However, this is not the case as eggshells will not sharpen the blades but can get stuck inside them and lead to a clogged drain.

Don’t put eggshells in the garbage disposal or follow all the necessary rules. In reality, eggshells can be put in the garbage disposal, but it’s important to do it correctly. If done incorrectly, eggshells can clog the drain and cause water to back up into the sink.

Will Baking Soda and Vinegar Unclog a Garbage Disposal Drain?

If you want to be a little more thorough in your cleaning, you can also try using vinegar and baking soda. Baking soda and vinegar can be used to unclog a garbage disposal, but they should only be used as a last resort. Simply pour a cup of baking soda into the disposal and then follow it up with a cup of vinegar. To do this, you should pour a cup of baking soda into the garbage disposal and allow it to sit for 10 minutes. Baking soda and vinegar can help to clear the drain and dissolve any stuck-on debris

Another option with soda: you should turn off the garbage disposal and cover the drain. Next, put a few cups of baking soda and coffee grounds into the garbage disposal. Then, turn on the disposal and let it grind the mixture for a few minutes. After this, run hot water through the garbage disposal to flush out the eggshells. Finally, run cold water through the garbage disposal to rinse away any remaining eggshells.

You may also need some drain cleaners if the eggshells have caused a clog. If you’ve removed the eggshells from your garbage disposal, it’s important to clear the clog.

How to unclog eggshells in garbage disposal - valuable tips
Image by Alexander Turner from Pixabay

Tips and Tricks for Cleaning Eggshells Effectively

Here are some tips and tricks for cleaning eggshells effectively:

  • Always rinse the eggshells off with cold water before putting them in the garbage disposal.
  • Soak the eggshells in warm water for 15 minutes before brushing off any remaining debris.
  • Dry the eggshells thoroughly before putting them in the garbage disposal.
  • Never put eggshells in a garbage disposal with standing water.
  • Avoid putting eggshells in a vertical branch drain.
  • The right products are essential to preventing future garbage disposal clogs.

And a few more tips

  • Dispose of eggshells in the trash once they have been cleaned and dried.
  • Never pour grease down the drain as this can lead to a clogged drain.
  • Run the garbage disposal regularly to help keep it in good working order.
  • Care for your garbage disposal by running cold water and a few ice cubes through it every week.
  • Grind eggshells in short bursts rather than all at once.
  • Turn on the cold water in the sink while the disposal is running.
  • Use a plunger over the drain to help clear the clog.

Additional tips for cleaning eggshells effectively

  • Before cleaning eggshells, make sure to turn the garbage disposal off.
  • Make sure to use a horizontal drain
  • Wrap a damp cloth around the drain cover to catch any stray pieces of eggshell.
  • Pour boiling water around the drain to help break up any clogs.
  • Plunge the drain a few times to help clear the clog.
  • Let the drain sit for a few minutes, then turn on the cold water again and let it run for a few minutes to help clear
  • Always turn the water off before putting eggshells in the disposal and use rubber gloves to avoid any potential cuts.
  • Once eggshells are in the disposal, turn the water on and wait for the eggshells to drain completely before turning the disposal off.
  • It’s best to learn how to unclog the garbage disposal before it becomes a problem.

Suggestions for Reusing Cleaned Eggshells

Once you’ve cleaned the eggshells, you can use them for a variety of purposes. Here are some suggestions for reusing cleaned eggshells:

  • Use eggshells as a natural fertilizer for your garden.
  • Grind the eggshells and use them as a natural pest repellent.
  • Use eggshells to start seedlings in your garden.
  • Use eggshells to make your biodegradable potting soil.


We can create clogs in the drain lines that carry food waste out of the home by flushing the wrong items down our garbage disposals. To clear clogs in the drain pipes, have a plumber come out to fix your drain, and keep your garbage disposal turned off until repairs are completed.

Eggshells can easily become lodged in the blades of a garbage disposal, leading to a clogged drain. Cleaning eggshells from your garbage disposal is important to prevent clogged drains and damage to the disposal unit. To remove eggshells from a garbage disposal, you will need a plunger, baking soda, coffee grounds, a drain pipe, a sink drain, and hot water.

Once you have collected the materials, turn off the disposal, cover the drain, and put the baking soda and coffee grounds inside the disposal. Turn on the disposal, let it grind the mixture, then run hot water through the disposal to flush out the eggshells. Finally, run cold water through the garbage disposal to rinse away any remaining eggshells.

It’s important to rinse and dry the eggshells before putting them in the garbage disposal, and to avoid putting them in a vertical branch drain, as this can cause clogs. Additionally, it’s important to never put your hand or any other objects inside the garbage disposal and to use ice and salt if the garbage disposal is still clogged after running cold water. Finally, you can use baking soda and vinegar to unclog a garbage disposal, but only as a last resort.

Don’t forget to run water through the disposal every time you use it and have it turned off when not in use – this way, you can ensure that your garbage disposal may stay clog-free and your kitchen will smell fresh.

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