How To Remove Broken Glass From Your Garbage Disposal? The Safe Way to Remove Broken Glass

How to get glass out of garbage disposal - Useful tips
Image by Victoria Brown from Pixabay

Have you ever had the awful experience of getting broken glass out of your garbage disposal and not knowing how to do it safely? How to get glass out of garbage disposal? Most of us have probably been in this situation at some point, especially if we have young children or unaware guests who have put the glass down the drain.

Don’t worry, we’re here to help! In this blog article, we’ll discuss the causes of glass in garbage disposals, offer step-by-step instructions on how to remove broken glass from a garbage disposal, and answer some FAQs.

Problem Statement: Getting Glass Out of a Garbage Disposal

The problem of getting broken glass out of garbage disposal is a common one, and it can be a tricky job. Glass is very sharp and can easily cause injury, so it’s important to take the proper steps when removing it.

Reason for Article

We know it can be a stressful situation when glass you’re trying to figure out how to safely remove broken glass from a garbage disposal, broken glass from your garbage so we want to provide you with all the information you need to do it the right way.

Causes of Glass in Garbage Disposal

There are a few common causes of glass in garbage disposals:

Broken glassware in the sink

This is the most common cause of glass in garbage disposals. Accidents happen and glass can easily break and make its way into the garbage disposal unit.

Unaware guests disposing of glass

Unaware guests who don’t know any better may dispose of glass down the drain.

Children putting toys down the drain

Young children may put small toys down the drain, not realizing that they could be made of plastic or glass.

How to Remove Broken Glass from Your Garbage Disposal – Step-By-Step Instructions?

When it comes to removing broken glass from a garbage disposal, it’s important to take the appropriate safety precautions. Here are the steps you should take:


  1. Shut off the power to the garbage disposal and unplug it from the wall outlet. This is the most important step to avoid electric shock.
  2. Put on thick gloves to protect your hands from the sharp edges of the glass shards.

Removal Process

  1. Reach into the garbage disposal and feel around for any large pieces of glass that are easily accessible.
  2. Use a pair of needle nose pliers to remove any small pieces or shards of glass that may be stuck or embedded deep within the blades of the disposer.
How to get glass out of garbage disposal - Useful tips
Image by Victoria Brown from Pixabay


How do you get broken glass out of a garbage disposal?

The best way to remove broken glass from a garbage disposal is to shut off the power, unplug it from the wall outlet, and use a pair of needle nose pliers to remove any small pieces or shards of glass that may be stuck or embedded deep within the blades of the disposer. Get the answer to the question – battery recycling is a disadvantage of which type of energy.

Can I vacuum glass out of the garbage disposal?

It’s not recommended to use a vacuum or shop vacuum to remove broken glass from a garbage disposal. The suction may not be strong enough to remove all the glass, and the sharp edges of the glass shards may cause injury to the user.

Can glass shards go down the garbage disposal?

It’s not recommended to put the glass down the garbage disposal as it can easily break into shards and make its way into the plumb (plumbing) and get stuck, causing damage to the disposal unit or other pipes in the system.

How do you get the glass out of the garbage disposal when tools won’t work?

If the tools you’re using aren’t working, you can try using a pair of tongs to remove any small pieces or shards of glass that may be stuck or embedded deep within the blade of the disposer.


Once you’ve removed the broken glass, it’s important to clean up the area and dispose of the glass properly. You should also take steps to prevent broken glass from getting into the garbage disposal in the future. working on the garbage disposal. Make sure that glassware is securely stored and away from the kitchen sink, and warn guests and children to not put anything down the drain.

Additional and important

  • If you accidentally drop glass into your garbage disposal, turn off the power to the unit immediately to avoid accidents.
  • Try using a pair of needle-nose pliers to remove the glass pieces that you can reach. If you can’t reach the bottom of the disposal, using a tool such as tongs or a plumbing services broom handle with a nozzle attachment on a vacuum cleaner can be helpful.
  • Be sure to never stick your hand inside the disposal, as this can result in injury. If you’re unable to remove the glass pieces, it’s best to call a repair service that specializes in commercial and residential garbage disposals.
  • Always remember to turn off the power supply at the switch before attempting any repairs or maintenance.
  • If you can’t easily remove the glass from the garbage disposal with a pair of needle nose pliers, you may need to use a vacuum cleaner.
  • Before you start, switch off the breaker to the disposal at your breaker box to avoid electric shock.
  • If you’re not comfortable with a variety of plumbing tools or if you make the mistake of not switching off the breaker, it’s best to call a plumber.
  • Especially in the kitchen, where you use the sink frequently, it’s important to ensure that the plumbing is in good condition.
  • If you’re handy with tools, you can use your shop vac to suck out the glass pieces from the disposal or hire a professional plumber who is skilled in dealing with PEX piping.
How to get glass out of garbage disposal - Useful tips
Image by Victoria Brown from Pixabay

Can I vacuum glass out of the garbage disposal?

If you accidentally drop a glass in the garbage disposal, don’t panic. First, turn off the power to the disposal to avoid injury. Next, hold the glass tightly and use it to carefully remove any visible glass fragments from the disposal. If everything is working, you can then manually shard move the blades to help dislodge any remaining pieces. Afterward, use a pair of pliers or tongs to pull out the large pieces that you can reach. Another pass with the vacuum can help pull out the bigger pieces that may have made their way deeper into the disposal.

Clean-Up/Prevention Tips

  1. Working on garbage disposal can be dangerous, especially when there are fragments of glass involved. If you need to remove a glass from the bottom of the disposal, it’s important to take the necessary safety precautions. First, turn off the power to the unit to avoid any accidents. Then, use a pair of tongs or needle-nose pliers to carefully remove any large pieces of glass that you can see. Once the larger pieces have been removed, you can use a wet/dry vacuum or a broom and dustpan to remove the smaller pieces. It’s important to avoid sticking your hands into the disposal to prevent getting a nasty cut. Once you’re finished, turn the power back on and test the unit to make sure it’s functioning properly. Always remember to turn off the power when working on a garbage disposal to ensure your safety.
  2. If you have broken glass out of the garbage, it’s important to take precautions to safely remove it. First, cut the power to the disposal blades to avoid any potential accidents. Then, use tongs or needle-nose pliers to carefully remove any large pieces of glass that you can see. Be careful not to put your hands down the garbage disposal at any point and get a nasty cut. Once the larger pieces of glass have been removed, you can use a wet/dry vacuum or a broom and dustpan to clean up any remaining glass. If you’re not comfortable removing glass yourself, you may want to consider calling a plumbing service to handle the job for you. It’s important to make sure all glass has been removed from the garbage disposal to prevent any potential damage to the unit or injuries.
  3. Dealing with broken glass in your garbage disposal can be a dangerous task, but there are safe ways to remove it. Start by turning off the power to the unit. Then, use needle-nose pliers to safely remove any larger pieces of broken glass and a shard of glass that you can see. Turn the blades of the garbage disposal to make sure there are no remaining pieces stuck to them. Next, use a wet/dry vacuum or a broom and dustpan to remove smaller pieces of glass and any remaining bits of glass from the disposal. It’s important to be careful and avoid sticking your hands into the garbage disposal at any point. Once all the broken glass is removed, dispose of it safely and make sure not to put any broken glass back into the garbage disposal.
  4. Having a garbage disposal in your kitchen can be a convenient way to dispose of food waste without having to worry about clogging your drain. But, like any appliance, it’s important to keep it clean and well-maintained to ensure its efficiency and longevity. As with any plumbing fixture, it’s a good idea to take a few preventative measures to avoid clogs and reduce the risk of damage.

Here are some tips to help you keep your garbage disposal clean and running properly:

  • Once all the glass has been removed, use a scrub brush and soapy water to clean out any remaining debris inside the garbage disposal. Doing this regularly will help prevent clogs and the buildup of food particles that can cause odors.
  • Install a mesh basket or strainer at the top of your sink drain to catch any small pieces before they can enter your disposal. This is particularly important if you have young children in your home as they often put small objects down drains without realizing they should not do so.
  • Periodically run cold water and a few ice cubes through the disposal to help keep it clean, sharp, and free of debris.
  • If you have a septic tank, be aware that some items should not be put into the garbage disposal. Always avoid chemicals and any kind of oil or grease; these can damage the blades and lead to clogs.
  • Avoid putting large amounts of food waste into the disposal all at once; this can overload the blades or cause a clog. It’s best to put food scraps in the trash can instead.
  • Use a natural cleaner periodically to help keep the disposal smelling fresh and clean. You can use baking soda and vinegar or lemon juice and water to help keep it clean.
  • Periodically check the blades for wear and tear, and if necessary, sharpen them with a special device or by using a regular Allen wrench.

These are just a few tips to help you keep your garbage disposal clean and running smoothly. Following these tips can help ensure that your garbage disposal is working properly and that you and your family enjoy the convenience of having it in your kitchen.

How to get glass out of garbage disposal - Useful tips
Image by Victoria Brown from Pixabay


  1. When it comes to getting broken glass out of your garbage, safety should be your top priority. The safest way to remove broken glass is to start by turning off the power switch to the disposal at the circuit breaker. Then, use tongs or pliers to carefully remove any larger pieces of glass that you can see. Be sure not to stick your hands into the disposal.
  2. Next, use a wet/dry vacuum to safely clear broken glass from the unit. If you don’t have a vacuum, you can also use a broom and dustpan to sweep up any glass pieces. It’s important to dispose of the glass safely and not put it back into the garbage disposal. If the disposal is damaged safe way to remove broken or not functioning properly after removing the glass, it may be time to call in a professional for garbage disposal repair.
  3. Once all the glass has been removed, use a scrub brush and soapy water to clean out any remaining debris inside the garbage disposal. With a glass in your garbage disposal, using a vacuum can be a helpful tool. First, turn off the circuit breaker to ensure your safety. Then, use needle-nose pliers or a hex key to carefully remove any larger pieces of glass that you can see. Be cautious not to stick your hands into the disposal. Next, use a shop vac to suck up any small glass pieces or shards. If you don’t have a shop vac, you can also use a regular vacuum with a hose attachment. If there are still large pieces of glass in the disposal, you may need to call a plumber to disassemble the unit and remove the broken glass. Always a small piece of glass makes sure to properly dispose of any glass pieces and follow proper safety precautions to avoid injury.
  4.  If you have broken glass in your garbage disposal, it can be a tricky situation to deal with. The first step is to turn off the garbage disposal to avoid any potential accidents. Then, use pliers or tongs to carefully remove any visible pieces of glass from the disposal. Be sure to also check for small pieces of glass that may be stuck to the blades. To remove the glass from the blades, you may need to disassemble the garbage disposal. Once all visible pieces of glass are removed, run water through the disposal to flush out any remaining glass fragments. It’s important to use it to remove to properly dispose of the glass from your garbage disposal to avoid any potential injury or damage to your plumbing system.
  5. There’s a good chance that some of the glass fell deeper into the canister and you couldn’t reach it with your tool during the first attempt. Since you can’t (and wouldn’t want to) turn on the motor, you can manually move the blades so you can uncover any hidden pieces of glass. You can use your tool to reposition the blades and then look for additional pieces to remove.


Hope this blog article has helped you to understand the causes of glass in garbage disposals, offered step-by-step instructions on how to remove broken glass from a garbage disposal, and answered some FAQs. To safely remove broken glass from a garbage disposal, it’s important to turn the power off, unplug the unit, and use a pair of needle nose pliers to remove any small pieces or shards of glass that may be stuck or embedded deep within the blades of the disposer. Taking the proper safety precautions can help you to get the glass out of your garbage disposal without getting a nasty cut or injuring yourself.

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