Can You Put Orange Peels In the Garbage Disposal? What to Put Down a Garbage Disposal for Smell?

Orange Peels Garbage Disposal
Image by Samuel Evans from Unsplash

Orange peels garbage disposal. Welcome to our blog on garbage disposal, and in particular, how to safely use orange peels in it. A garbage disposal is a modern appliance that is incredibly useful for disposing of food waste. It’s a good idea to get to know the ins and outs of how to use it correctly and safely so that you don’t run into any trouble.

Definition of garbage disposal

Garbage disposal is an appliance that is installed in the sink and is used to grind up food waste and send it down the drain. The appliance has a motor and a set of blades to chop up the food waste into tiny pieces. It’s important to be careful when using a garbage disposal, and to know what is safe to put down it. It’s connected to the plumb and has blades that grind up food waste, such as vegetable peels and fruit skins, into small pieces. This makes it easier to dispose of these food scraps.

What’s the Worst Thing to Put Down a Garbage Disposal? What Should I Not Put in a Garbage Disposal?

The worst things to put down on garbage disposal are grease, bones, and fibrous foods like celery. Hard items like bones, shellfish, or eggshells can clog up the disposal unit and cause it to break down. Bones and shells of any kind are not to be put in the garbage disposal. When it comes to garbage disposal or any drainage system, coffee grounds are among the top things you don’t want to put in there. It’s also important to run cold water while the disposal is running and to turn it off before all of the food is ground up.

What About Citrus Peels? Is it OK to put citrus peels in the garbage disposal?

  1. First, it is important to remember that it is not safe to put any non-food items. Some non-food items that people often put into their disposals are fruit peels, vegetable peels, and fruit skins. This can cause damage to your garbage disposal blades, as well as to the disposal itself. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you avoid putting any pieces of orange or lemon peels into your garbage disposal.
  2. Second, you may be tempted to put down your garbage disposal and let the citrus peels sit in it for a while, but this can damage the disposal and cause an unpleasant smell. Instead, you should grate some orange zest into the disposal and let it sit for a few minutes, and then run the disposal with hot tap water to wash the zest and peels down the drain. This will help to prevent any foul odors from forming in the disposal.
  3. Third, although your garbage disposal is designed to handle food waste, you should also be sure to use caution when it comes to putting down lemon or orange peels. It is not safe to put in peels that have not been completely cut up, as they can become wedged around the disposal blades and cause damage to the disposal. Therefore, you should always make sure that your peels are cut up before you toss them down the drain.
  4. Fourth, you can also use lemon and orange peels to make your disposal smell better. By putting some citrus peels into a microwave-safe container and heating them, you can release the oils and scents found in citrus peels. You can also try to dehydrate your peels in the oven or put them in a container with a few drops of essential oil to create a pleasant scent.
  5. Lastly, you can use orange peels to stop your garbage disposal from working improperly. By tossing a few pieces of citrus fruit peels into the disposal and letting them sit for a few minutes, you can create a non-abrasive material that prevents bits of orange from getting stuck in the disposal blades, potentially causing damage and preventing the disposal from working properly.

Can orange peels go to food waste? Can You Put Citrus Peels in the Garbage Disposal?

Orange peels present a simple, natural, and pleasant way to clean your garbage disposal and create a pleasant smell in your home. Many people are hesitant to put orange peels in a garbage disposal because of the fear that it will cause a clog or unpleasant odors. However, orange peels also can safely be put down the disposal, as long as you take the proper precautions.

Orange peels can go down the drain in a garbage disposal. However, this doesn’t mean you should just toss them in without any thought. Orange peels can cause smelly garbage disposal if you don’t take proper precautions. You should put citrus peels into the garbage disposal in small batches and make sure to run plenty of water with them to help push them down the drain.

If you choose to put your orange peels in a garbage disposal, it’s important to do a quick clean after. This will help to prevent any odors and build-up in the disposal over time. You can also put some ice cubes  to help keep clean garbage disposal smelling fresh.

Orange Peels Garbage Disposal
Image by Samuel Evans from Unsplash

Why should you not throw away orange peels?

Orange peels are actually good for your garbage disposal because they can help to sharpen the blades and remove unpleasant odors. The citrus oils from the peels can freshen the disposal and leave behind a citrusy clean smell. Additionally, orange peels are biodegradable and can be used in a compost pile for gardening.

However, if you throw away a whole orange peel, it can get caught up in the blades and cause them to jam. Additionally, the smell of orange peels can linger in the disposal, creating an unpleasant odor.

Orange peels can cause smelly garbage disposal if you don’t take proper precautions. The peels contain a lot of citrus oils which can build up over time and give off a strong smell. Grating some orange zest into the disposal and letting it sit for a few minutes can help prevent the smelly buildup. And of course, it’s always a good idea to put the peels into the garbage disposal before you toss them down the drain.

Will It Safe To Put Orange Peels In The Garbage Disposal?

Yes, orange peels can safely be put down a garbage disposal as long as you take a few steps to ensure they don’t clog the drain. Start by grating some orange zest into the disposal and letting it sit for a few minutes. This will help to loosen up any food particles that are stuck in the blades. Then, run the disposal with hot tap water and grind.

To avoid any clogging or odors, you should make sure to grate some orange zest into the disposal and let it sit for a few minutes before turning it on. This will help to break down the peels before you toss them down the drain.

This will help to ensure that the disposal blades don’t get clogged up. You should also run some water for a few seconds before and after putting the peels down the drain to help flush out any bits of food that may be stuck around the blades.

First, it is important to make sure that the peels are cut into small pieces before they are put down the disposal. This will help prevent the peels from getting stuck in the blades and causing them to jam. Additionally, it is important to run plenty of cold water down the drain while the disposal is running. This will help flush out any tiny food particles that may have been left behind.

It is important to remember, that the blades in a garbage disposal can become dull over time. Therefore, it is important to keep your garbage disposal clean and free from an assortment of food scraps and tiny food particles.

Different Uses of Orange Peels for Disposal

Orange peels do not necessarily have to be put down the garbage disposal. They can be used in a variety of different ways. Read here how to properly dispose of a microwave oven.

Composting with Orange Peels

If you’ve been thinking about starting a composting system, orange peels can be a great addition. All you need to do is cut the peels into small pieces and mix them with other compostable materials such as grass clippings, vegetable scraps, and leaves. This will help create a nutrient-rich compost that can be used to fertilize your garden.

Mulching with Orange Peels

Orange peels can be used as mulch for your garden. They are especially beneficial for keeping weeds at bay. The peels can help to keep the soil moist and warm, which means your plants will be much happier.

Natural Cleaners

Orange peels can be used to make your natural cleaners. Simply blend the peels in a blender and add a few drops of dish soap. This makes a great all-purpose cleaner that is free of harsh chemicals. Not only is this cleaner safe to use, but it will also leave your home smelling like oranges.

Pest Repellents

Orange peels can also be used as a natural pest repellent. Place a few orange rinds around your garden to keep pests away. The citrus smell of the orange peels will help repel any unwanted pests.

Fire Starters

Orange peels are an excellent source of fuel for starting fires. The peels can be placed on top of the kindling and will help to get your fire going quickly and easily.

Ways to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Disposing Orange Peel Waste

  • Use garbage disposal to reduce the amount of orange peel waste that is thrown away.
  • Put the orange peels in a compost pile instead of throwing them away.
  • Use the orange peel waste to make a natural cleaner or pest-repellent.
  • Use the orange peel waste to make a fire starter.

The Environmental Cost of Improperly Disposing of Orange Peel Waste

When orange peel waste is improperly disposed of, it can have a major environmental impact. The decomposition of orange peels can release methane gas into the atmosphere, which is a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. Additionally, when orange peels are put down the drain, they can create blockages in the plumbing, which can lead to costly repairs.

Orange Peels Garbage Disposal
Image by Samuel Evans from Unsplash


  • Put orange peels in the garbage disposal instead of throwing them away.
  • If you want to clean your garbage disposal, putting some ice down can also work. As long as you are careful, your garbage disposal will continue to work without any problems at all.
  • You may clean your garbage disposal without harsh chemicals by utilizing citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and tangerines.
  • Put lemon and orange peels in a compost pile, where they can provide essential nutrients to your garden.
  • Use orange peels to make a natural cleaning solution or pest repellent.
  • Use orange peels to make a fire starter.
  • Run plenty of cold water down the drain while the disposal is running.
  • Use a disposal cleaner to keep your disposal smelling fresh.
  • Put orange peels in the garbage disposal, scrap them, or put them in the garbage for proper disposal.
  • First things first, the cardinal rule of garbage disposal: don’t overdo it. Yes, it would be easy to send an excessive amount of orange peels down the drain, but you don’t want to end up with orange peels clogging the drain. That’s a whole problem in itself.
  • Before throwing orange peels into the garbage disposal, break them up into small pieces.
  • This is another great option to help reduce the smell and it only takes a few steps. After you turn on the garbage disposal, pour a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by a cup of distilled white vinegar. After a short time, the smell should be more in control.
  • Citrus peels that have been composted offer no hazard to the beneficial microorganisms in your garden.
  • Always run cold water when using the garbage disposal because cold water solidifies food and makes it easier to grind.


Here are some warnings for an orange peel garbage disposal that you should be aware of before you toss anything down the drain.

  1. First, make sure the orange peels are cut into small pieces before they go down your garbage disposal. If the peels are too large, they can get stuck and cause damage to the disposal. You can also put the peels in a microwave-safe container and microwave them for a few seconds before throwing them down the drain.
  2. Second, citrus fruit peels can be a problem for many garbage disposals. The acid in the peels can corrode the blades and over time, can cause damage to the disposal. If you must use citrus peels, make sure they are cut up into small pieces before throwing them down the drain.
  3. Third, don’t put any non-food items in the garbage disposal. While it may seem like a good idea to get rid of things like paper towels, plastic bags, and other things that don’t belong in the drain, these items can cause clogs and can damage the disposal.
  4. Fourth, if you want to make sure the garbage disposal is working properly, you can also use orange peels to make a special cleaning solution. You can blend a cup of orange peels with a cup of baking soda and water and pour the solution down the drain. This will help to remove any build-up of food particles in the disposal and help to keep it clean.
  5. Fifth, if you want to keep your garbage disposal working properly, you can also dehydrate your peels. Put your peels in the oven at 250 degrees for about 15 minutes and then grind the peels in your garbage disposal. This will help to keep the blades sharp and will prevent them from clogging up.
  6. Sixth, you can also use orange peels to make your disposal smell nice and fresh. Put some fresh peels into the garbage disposal and turn it on for a few seconds. The citrus scent from the peels will help to get rid of any unpleasant odors in the garbage disposal.
  7. Finally, if you want to dispose of citrus peels, you can throw them in the trash or compost them. If they are composted, they will break down over time and won’t cause any damage to the garbage disposal or any drainage system.
  8. Do not put large pieces of orange peel down the garbage disposal. The peels can get stuck in the blades and cause damage.
  9. Do not put too many orange peels in the garbage disposal, as this can cause a clog.
  10. Do not put eggshells or other large pieces of food down the garbage disposal.
  11. Do not put rice, nuts, or other small pieces of food down the garbage disposal, as these can clog the pipes.

Overall, it is important to be aware of the warnings for orange peel garbage disposal before you throw any food scraps or other items down the drain. By following these tips, you can make sure the garbage disposal is working properly and avoid any potential damage to your disposal over time.

Other Tips for Cleaning Your Garbage Disposal

In addition to using orange peels to clean your garbage disposal, there are a few other tips that you should keep in mind. First, run some cold water with the disposal when you grind up any food scraps and waste. This will help to keep the blades from getting dull and will also help to keep any food particles from getting stuck. You can also use mild cleaners such as baking soda and vinegar, or lemon or orange peels to clean and defunk your garbage disposal.


The garbage disposal is a shiny modern appliance that can be incredibly useful for disposing of food scraps and waste. While it’s important to be careful what you put down the drain, it’s also safe to put orange peels in the garbage disposal. If you use the right techniques, you can use orange peels to clean your disposal and help keep it smelling fresh.

So, the next time you’re thinking of throwing away your orange peels instead of tossing them down the drain, try grating some orange zest into the disposal and letting it sit for a few minutes. Then, run the disposal with hot tap water and let it run for 30 to 45 seconds. This will help to break down the peels and ensure that they don’t end up creating a clog or damage your garbage disposal.

You can use the skin of the orange for recipes, compost them, put them in the garbage disposal, or put them in the garbage.

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